
“Più Gas per tutti”

Reddito di cittadinanza: la Finlandia ci prova. Il Paese nordeuropeo garantirà a tutti una somma di denaro, per favorire l’inclusione sociale. Allo studio 4 scenari. La sperimentazione nel 2017-18

Social Reggio Emilia

Reggio Emilia means a lot of things. It means cooperation, that is solidarity and brotherhood at work. It meant labor movement – the occupation of Reggiane, between 1950 and 1951, was the longest strike of Italian history. In Reggio Emilia…

2 days in Reggio Emilia

First of all it is crucial to take a trip around the squares in order to find your way in the city and understand sizes, distances and lifestyles.Starting from Piazza della Vittoria you can see the historical Teatro Municipale dedicated to Romolo…

Parco del Popolo

A central park, heart of the city, that housed the fourteenth century military citadel and which in 1848 was demolished to make way for a racetrack! The ring shape allowed in fact the conduct of horse racing (very popular in the nineteenth century).…

A brief history of Reggio Emilia

It is said that people of Reggio Emilia are “teste quadre” (squareheads). This was confirmed by the poet Alessandro Tassoni who, in 1614, with his mock-heroic epic poem “La Secchia Rapita” (The Stolen Bucket), makes this shape coming…

What and where to eat

What to eat?The spirit of a place dwells and prospers in all aspects of the culture it belongs to. Since Emilian culture has put the basis of its logic in a good nourishing meal, it becomes essential to pass through its cuisine to better understand…

Getting here and around

By car:  if you arrive to Reggio Emilia by car you must take the highway A1 and exit Reggio Emilia. Once in the city, you can park in several large parking lots:A) Caserma Zucchi, entrance from Viale Timavo (downtown area). Toll parking. B)…

Perché la felicità?

Accoglienza, disuguaglianze, reddito minimo, qualità e innovazione nei servizi educativi, ma anche indennità di accompagnamento e media education: sono numerosi e concreti i temi al centro della seconda edizione dei Social Cohesion Days, il…

Why happiness?

Immigration policies, inequality, minimum income, quality and innovation in educational services, care allowance and media education: these are the various and specific issues in the focus of attention of  Social Cohesion Days 2nd edition, the…

Preview Social Cohesion Days in Vaticano

La seconda edizione dei SCD è stata ufficializzata nel febbraio scorso a Roma in una sede d’eccezione: il meeting di Confindustria con Papa Francesco, che ha riunito per la prima volta le imprese italiane in Vaticano. Settemila imprenditori…

A Preview of Social cohesion Days at the Vatican

The second edition of SCD was made official last February in Rome in an exclusive setting: the meeting between Confindustria and Pope Francis, who gathered Italian companies in the Vatican for the first time. Seven thousand entrepreneurs met…

Reggio Emilia: una lunga storia di coesione sociale

Reggio Emilia significa tante cose. Significa cooperazione: solidarietà e fratellanza al lavoro. È stata movimento operaio (delle Reggiane è stato lo sciopero e occupazione più lungo della storia d'Italia, tra il 1950 e il 1951). A Reggio…